Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sunny Saturday in JAX

We arrived at the boat late last night. After unloading the car and stowing the critical stuff for the trip, we finally got to bed about 11. Long day, and a tiring day after fighting Easter Holiday traffic on I-75.

Today was another textbook Spring day. The great weather brought a bunch of people out to the docks and villages around the Marina. We had a man come to the boat to do the anchor line to chain splice that we needed to extend our anchor rode. After looking at the anchor again, I decided to get a heavier anchor, so I will upgrade to a 44 lb Delta that will fit on my anchor roller on the bow pulpit. The new anchor will arrive Tuesday by noon, just in time for the Wednesday departure. I need to paint the 25' interval marks on the anchor line before we finalize the configuration.

Our daughter Beth and grand daughters Ava and Annabelle came to the boat this morning, then we all went to nearby Avondale Village for lunch at a place called Biscotti's. It was excellent! 

Seemed like there was a steady stream of folks walking the docks, enjoying the beautiful weather. Our next slip neighbor Patrick was working on replacing his hatches. We saw our "back slip" neighbors who are from DC and Northern Virginia and have a Catamaran sailboat right behind us. We saw our friend who has a sailboat at the end of our dock. Bert is a retired container ship captain who is leaving next week for the Bahamas and Costa Rica then through the Panama Canal and to San Francisco in his sailboat. I helped another fella load groceries on his boat for a trip to Ft. Lauderdale and on to the Bahamas. Gary and Susan on "Traveller", also on our dock, are heading to the Bahanas at the end of April. We met a couple who just came to the dock today in their C-Dory (hear that Monty and Linda?) who are from Ft. McAllister, GA. They are interested in Mainships, so we gave them a bar tender's tour of "Blue Moon".

So, it was a great day on the water! Happily waiting for our Wednesday departure!

Also thanks to Susan and Gary of  "Traveller" for helping me understand more about They helped me figure out this picture thing!

Thanks for Reading!

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